About us
Our company, funded in 1999 (formerly SAF funded in 1985) is based at Poussan, in the department of Herault, 30kms far from Montpellier (click here to view the map).
We're specialised in the trade of used construction equipment and industrial plants. We sale, buy and rent all brands equipments.

You can view our on-line catalog by clicking here! You'll get so a representative sample of the materials we have in stock with their technical sheet associated. This catalog is frequently updated, but you can also download a printable version of our stock list (wich encloses the last arrivals and the materials that are still in the workshop and for which we don't have photos yet) by clicking here! (Excel format)
Don't hesitate to contact us by mail, fax or telephone for any additionnal information, or if you have a material to suggest. You can fill in the appropriate form by clicking here!